

Product Description
Hair4U CPX Serum is a topical treatment for hairloss. It is mostly used by men suffering from male pattern baldness. The active ingredients in Bontress hair serum are Capixyl, Anagain and Hexaplant Richter.

Capixyl is a combination of Actyl tetrapeptide and Biochenin A which helps in reducing hair loss Anagain which is a novel pea sprout extranct which stimulates the hair growth at hair root. Anagain stimulates Dermal Papilla cells which shortens the resting period of hair and starts proliferating the hair hair matrix cells thus starts new growing phase.
How to use
Hair4U CPX Serum is used topically - it should never be ingested. Make sure your hair is completely dry before use. Pump approximately 2mL (10 pumps) of Bontress Hair Serum into the palm of you hand. Then massage it through the hair and into the scalp. The serum should be left in your hair and allowed to dry. Repeat this each day.
Adverse effects
Hair4U CPX Serum is generally very well tolerated with no known side effects. Contact a doctor should you notice any irregularities.

Use under medical Suprvision.

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