

Product Description
Unienzyme tablet contains a rich formulation of Fungal Diastase, Charcoal, and Papain.
Contents :
Fungal Diastase, is the natural pro-digestive enzyme, used in breakdown of carbohydrates. It also prevents malabsorption of food.
Papain, extracted from pappaya, is an enzyme that breakdowns the proteins in the stomach and helps in digestion.
Charcoal, large adsorptive capacity, making it able to bind with unwanted substances and toxins in the stomach and pushing them out of the body.

Unienzyme tablet is a dietary supplement which promotes proper digestion by accelerating the digestion process in a balanced manner. So, in case of Indigestion, Bloating, Gas or any stomach discomfort you can take 1 tablet of Unienzyme after meal.

Use Under Medical Supervision

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