

Product Description
Mama Protinex The best nutrition for you during pregnancy. Mama Protinex is a protein rich supplement that contains high quality protein and DHA which is essential for physical and brain development of the foetus. Besides protein and DHA,it also contains many essential nutrients and vitamins which play a significant role in your baby's health and development. An unborn child is fully dependent on mother's intake and this is why Mama Protinex should be a part of your daily diet. Mama Protinex contains high quality Protein and DHA. What does Mama Protinex do? To answer your question,here is a summary of the salient features of Mama Protinex.It bridges the protein gap completely as it provides 24 gm of protein,has combination of both milk & Soy protein and makes for complete protein,PDCAAS is equal to 1It supplements the DHA requirement as it provides 60mg DHA,which is elemental for brain growth & development of baby and bridges the folic acid gap completely coz only 12% of the daily requirement of folic acid is met; deficiency causes serious birth defects in the new bornFolic acid supplementation during peri-conceptual period reduces risk by 72%. Mama Protinex also provides various other essential nutrients.

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