

Giloy Tablets help to ease pitta imbalances like the burning sensation of hand and feet, allergic reactions, skin inflammation, and general fever. They also fight symptoms of common cold, cough, and flu. They improve immunity and keep you healthy and strong from within. These tablets are loaded with protein and calcium thereby providing your body with essential nutrition.
Key Benefits  
Giloy makes your immune system stronger, is considered effective in treating chronic fever.
Helps to improve the digestive functions of the body.
Useful in improving the vision.
Giloy is used to help fight respiratory problems and is even known for its anti-aging properties.
Enhances white blood cell activity.
Builds the body’s resistance to infections.
Helps in eliminating toxins and purifies the blood.
Keep the bottle tightly closed at all times except when in use
Store in a cold and dry place away from direct sunlight
Do not refrigerate
Pregnant women must consult a doctor before consuming Directions For Use
Consume 1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by the physician.

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